Free leads for life program

Included with our Diamond Ambassador and Ambassador packages.

Imagine success upon success!  Each time you refer a New Diamond Ambassador or Ambassador, you can request 100 fresh Telephone Interviewed Leads from your SavingsHighway Help Desk at  See details below.

How does it work?

Once you have financed or purchased your Diamond Ambassador or Ambassador Package, each time you refer a new Diamond Ambassador or Ambassador, you may request 100 Free Telephone Interviewed Leads. This means each time you get another referral, you'll have up to 100 more new people to talk to and present the business.  You will receive your own back office login to receive your leads and download them anytime you like!

About the Telephone Interviewed Leads

*  Your Telephone Interviewed Leads have been contacted by our call center staff before they are delivered to your account.

*  We confirm their interest in a Home Based Business, also request the best time for someone to call them back.

*  Every prospect has been confirmed through a personal conversation with one of our call verification representatives.  They have stated they have an interest in learning about their different income options through a home based business career.

*  Our Telephone Interviewed Leads are not just contact lists. Our Verification Department has contacted each individual lead before you receive it to ensure their seriousness in wanting to start a home based business.

*  You will receive all of their contact information and best time to call so that you are able to contact them at a convenient time and speak with an individual that is sincere about making money from home.

What questions are they asked?

Question 1:  The #1 reason I am looking for a home based business is: ________________________.

Questions 2:  f I like the information I receive, I want to get started when? _________________________.

Question 3:  In choosing the right business, the most important aspect of the company is? ____________________.

Question 4:  In your opinion, how much money does it take to start a legitimate home based business?  _______________.

Diamond Ambassador Script

Hi, this is (your name) calling for (their name).  I work with SavingsHighway and our mission to help families become debt free,  I just received a copy of your telephone interview and wanted to get back to you with the information you were looking for. 

May I speak with (their name)?

Ok Great.  What we do is really simple. We have a plan to help people save and make money.  All we do is help people register for free, then go over our website and listen to the overview audio.  Then I can get back with you and help you with any questions you may have.

By the way, you'll be glad to know our company is 9 years old and has an A+ Rating with the Better Business Bureau.

Are you on the Internet right now?

Ok great, type in this website please.  It's  That's S A V I N G S    H I G H W A Y  . COM.

Ok (their name), Did the website come up for you?  Ok Great.

Now type in my SITENAME which is:  (yoursitename) and click to continue.

Ok, do you see the main page now?

Great (their name).  You can browse around the site and see all the great products and opportunity after we hang up. And be sure to click on the Opportunity page and listen to the audio or call the 24 hour recorded line.

But first, let's click on Start Free.

Script to sign up a member from a Telephone Interviewed Lead List

Hi, this is (your name) calling for (their name). I work with a free business opportunity called SavingsHighway and I'm getting back to (their name) to provide some information about our business.

May I speak with (their name) please?

Hi (their name), It's nice to meet you. Again my name is (your name) and I work with an amazing company called SavingsHighway.

We help people save money and make money from home. Our company is 9 years old and we have an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau.  And we've paid out millions of dollars in commissions.

We have all types of amazing products and again (their name) it is a 100% free business.

There is no purchase required to get started and you'll get some free coupons, a free health and dental plan and other great benefits just for joining us.  

Our mission is to help 1 Million families and beyond become debt free and we're on our way!  

I'd like to give you a website so you can join and get a free membership and see what it's all about. Are you on the Internet right now?

Ok great, type in this website please.  It's  That's S A V I N G S    H I G H W A Y  . COM.

Ok (their name), Did the website come up for you?  Ok Great.

Now type in my SITENAME which is:  (yoursitename) and click to continue.

Ok, do you see the main page now?

Great (their name).  You can browse around the site and see all the great products and opportunity after we hang up. And be sure to click on the Opportunity page and listen to the audio or call the 24 hour recorded line.

But first, let's click on Start Free.

Shorter Script to sign up a member

Hi, this is (your name). May I speak with (their name)?  

Hi (their name). I'm (your name) from (your city and state). I work with and I just received the interview you had about starting a home-based business.  

Unlike most companies, our business is free.  You simply join free and plug into the system. We have a ton of great products and services so  you can choose if you like any of them, And we show you how to refer others and make money.  

By the way, our company has an A+ rating with the BetterBusinesBureau and has been in business for over 9 years.

I've got almost 100 people to get back to right now to help them get started, so what id like to do it give you the website and my SITENAME so you can get the information and sign up for free.

Can you be on the Internet right now?

Ok, great. Type in this website: That's S A V I N G S    H I G H W A Y  . COM

Ok enter my sitename.  You'll get your own sitename and website for free once you join.

Ok great, see where it says (START FREE) at the top?

Go ahead and click that and create your own SITENAME.

After that you can listen to the audio to understand how the business works.

I'll just wait to make sure you can sign up ok.

(Stay on the phone and make sure they can sign up. After the sign up, Invite them to listen to the audio on the site and follow up with a 3-way call, live call event to get their questions answered and help them order the product or service that's right for them and start referring others to do the same.)

How do I request my leads?

1. Make sure you have your own Diamond Ambassador or Ambassador Package.

2. Refer another Diamond Ambassador or Ambassador.

3. Open a help desk request and request 100 Telephone Interviewed Leads there.

Include your full name, email, phone and who the new Diamond Ambassador or Ambassador you referred is.

You will know that have been approved once you see the commissions in your Members Area. 

How do I receive my leads?

Once your leads are ready, you will receive an email with a link to click that will allow you to log in to a leads delivery system back office. Just click the link and get your telephone interviewed leads. You can them download them into a spreadsheet where you can take notes when you call them.

What other types of leads are available and how can I get them?

You can purchase more Telephone Interviewed leads or REAL TIME LEADS from your SavingsHighway Store.

What does "For Life" mean?

This means that for as long as our leads provider continues to produce enough leads to fulfill the demand, we plan on continuing to offer the program. It is not a guarantee that it will be provided for life, however we will continue to provide the program for as long as it makes sense to do so.


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24 Hour Ambassador
Sizzle Call & Testimonials
Pin: 845745#
Build your business 24 hours a day with our recorded line. Leave your testimonial and more!
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